Thursday, July 28, 2011

Interview with a Four Year Old

I sit here with a certain smirk. Across from me on this soon to be-blazing July morning is a three year old, blonde-headed little boy, soon to turn four. He is always up at the crack of dawn and loves to take naps. While most little children will be up soon in their pajamas and jacked up hair, Eli is wide awake and is standing in front of me dressed as if he is about to go outside to build a snowman. He is wearing a zipped up, hooded jacket so thick that an Eskimo would sweat in the dead of winter.

With my book in hand, I will proceed to ask this little child some questions in hopes of giving you some insight into the book. Enjoy;)

So Eli, I see you're wearing a big red coat this morning. What's that all about?

Uh supsin bibbi wuz maykin a bi mess un I taw it un it wuz code. Translation-(big mess. He saw it. And he was cold)

Your 4th birthday will be in a few days. Can you tell me what things you hope to accomplish in this upcoming year as you tackle preschool?


Great. I see you have put a lot of thought into that. I see you holding my new book soon to be released. How does it look?

Good. Mmmmm it pwetty. Wook cool un awesome on da back.

Thank you Eli. That's very kind of you. Now as you browse the pages, what are your thoughts on the book and it's message?

What's forw bweakfast?

Eli, answer the question.

I dunt know ipf I can wead, two, twee, pour, pibe....

Ok, ok...I get the picture. stop counting. So can you at least tell me a little bit about the characters in the book?

Da twansformows stuck on da moon. Can I hab a pop tawat?

You sure are evasive. Ok one last question Eli, and thanks again for joining me this morning prior to every kid in the world waking up. What do you hope the readers will gain from the lessons in the book?

Bout Jesus...n..bibbi's hayuw (translation- Vivi's hair)un the cat

Ok. Well thanks again, Eli for your theological perspective on the book and I appreciate your time.

Can I hab a poptawat now?


I hope you gained a little more insight into the book. Please stay tuned for what I am sure will be the interview of a lifetime as I interview the most interring and unpredictable child on eart, 5 year old, Vivi tomorrow.

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