I had the opportunity to go to a conference in Birmingham a few nights ago, titled "In the Beginning..." The overall purpose of the conference was to share opposing view points on the creation event. It has been a long-accepted view within the chuch for over a millineum that the literal 6-day creation was fact. Modern day science seemed to conflict with this belief.
The opposing viewpoints from Terry Mortenson (Young Earth Creationist) and Hugh Ross (Old Earth Creationist) were all valid points that could be made. However, Hugh Ross made some points that really stuck out in my head.
I will post a series of thoughts I have on this topic. The first topic is very elementary: the existence of SPIDERS. First we have to look at th Young Earth Creationist basic viewpoint.
The young earth model teaches a literal 6 day creation and that everything was created between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago. The fall of man (Adam's sin) brought death into existance. In other words, before Adam sinned, nothing died. There were no carnivores on the earth, only herbivores. God made the earth and the universe in 6 literal days.
Where I disagree:
First, I am not Agnostic or an Athiest, though my response could possibly give that impression. I only disagree with the 6 day creation theology.
Since God created the creatures, he obviously created spiders. I know this may sound elementary, but the very existence of spiders is designed to trap prey and kill. What use is the web in an environment where a herbivorous spider exists? None. Spiders kill. So do tigers and lions and the fossilized dinosaurs that were complete killing machines. What did a T-Rex with those teeth? banannas? What kind of diet did Jaws have in the ocean? Our life cycle is completely dependant on a chain. Anchovies live of plankton. Larger fish live off anchovies. There is no intelligent explanation out there that a young earth creationist can give that will convince me that death did not exist before the fall of man. It is impossible-given the physical and biolocical laws that God created. He didnt just create life. He created the laws that govern life. He didnt just create gravity. He created the LAWS that govern gravity.
God created all things for their unique purposes. To create a herbivorous (plant-eating) spider, shark, tiger or T-Rex--then--suddenly slam on the brakes and change its diet to a carnivorous one SPEEDS UP the evolutionary time table exponentially. Look at any carnivorous creature and you will see God's perfect design in it. A beautiful spider web. A beautifully muscualar tiger. Beautifully created, Carnivores.
Next: Part two: Adam
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